
If you’re struggling to find something to wear every morning and feel overwhelmed at the sight of your closet, it might be time to clear the clothing clutter. We tend to accumulate stuff, and over time, all those little things add up. By making time to purge your closet, get organized, and remove items you no longer wear, you’re inviting more clarity into your space and life.

Feeling overwhelmed and distracted? Decluttering helps us focus better. The simple act of removing items you don’t need eliminates unnecessary frustrations making it easier to find what you’re looking for in your closet. And, best of all, you can invite grace and ease into your brand and styling experience.

If you have a hard time parting with a sweater you wore once or a dress you might wear again, consider your purpose and personal brand. If you feel confident and successful wearing a particular piece of clothing, then it’s worth keeping. If it does nothing for you, set it aside to donate.

Ready to embrace a clear state of mind? Breathe. Brew a cup of tea, sip and savor while discovering five ways to declutter your closet to gain brand clarity.

1.   Define your mission.

What’s your purpose? Determine your why. When you know what you want to accomplish and how you’re going to get there, you’ll be able to create a path to achieve success. Take a look at your closet. Is it so full you can’t ever find what you’re looking for? Pull out everything in your closet and before you start adding things to the keep pile, ask yourself, does this bring me closer to my goals? If you’re never going to wear it and it doesn’t fit your personal brand and message, visually, then it’s just taking up valuable real estate in your closet.

2.   Start with your favorites.

Once you’ve narrowed down what you’re keeping, create a section in your closet with the items you love. Consider the story or memory associated with the garment. These are your go-to garments that match with everything and make you feel confident and remarkably beautiful. Build your wardrobe around these key pieces.

3.   Get organized.

Separate your items by season, so you don’t reach for a summer top in winter. Store anything that you won’t be wearing for a few months in the back of your closet, in a spare closet, or container. Don’t forget to label it, so you know where to find those cozy sweaters when Fall rolls around.

4.   Invest in functional storage containers.

Need some help getting organized? Before you head to the store and buy what you think you need, take a look at your closet. You don’t want to end up with so many storage containers or baskets that your closet looks cluttered again. If you can’t fold your scarves on a shelf, use a basket to keep them in one place. Need a necklace organizer so you can see the beautiful jewelry you own? Look for a functional display case or trays and coordinate by color so you can find the perfect accessory the next time you have a business meeting in person or online .

5.   Don’t be afraid to let it go.

Most of us have at least one thing in our closet that we don’t wear or will likely never wear. Instead of keeping it, give that item a second life in someone else’s closet. Donate it, gift it to a friend, or empower women in your community by finding a non-profit organization that provides women with gently used professional attire.

To maintain brand clarity, you don’t need a lot of clothes to be successful in life and business. Focus on the items that make you feel good. Clear the clutter in your closet, so you don’t waste time looking for something to wear every morning. If you’re not ready to do it all in one day, start with a mini purge and see how you feel after that. You might be surprised how little you notice or miss the things you never used or wore.

Want to elevate your professional wardrobe in alignment with your leadership brand? Read these tips for shopping online.