
I love to people watch.  It is so fascinating see the unique way in which we have all been designed.  If you don’t believe me, stand in the mirror and look at yourself.  Look beyond the flaws and embrace your true beauty.  Don’t worry about what you need to change.  Simply take the time to fully embrace the body that you have with the desire to make it the best that it could be at the moment.  It’s up to you to give yourself permission to step into your own beauty.

However, before you can make the most of it, you must know your body shape.  The best way to determine it is by focusing on your outside lines, also known as your silhouette.   When you visualize your silhouette, think of the black cut outs that used to be popular as portraits decades ago.  Knowing your outside lines will equip you with the power to choose suitable  your clothes for your wonderful body.  The key is to find the best fit that creates overall balance and harmony while being mindful of your own proportions.

Consider this; there are basically 3 basic body proportions with 5 presentations.  They are Linear, Curvilinear and Curved and are based on body measurements.  Here are the shapes and a few tips to try on:

  • Linear- some but minimal waist shaping with dominate shoulders and oftentimes bust line with more narrow

3 common presentation: Inverted Triangle, square and apple

1)   Stay clear of clothes that make you look boxy such as stiff fabrics or jackets with shoulder pads because it will draw more attention to your limited  waist shaping.

2)    Also create a waist by wearing a medium to wide belt with a loose blouse.

  • Curvilinear -some to definite waist shaping with more narrow shoulders and bust line and fuller hips

1 common presentation: Pear shape


1)      Avoid cropped pants.  They tend to cut your legs off and make your thighs and hips look wider.

2)       Wear shirts with wider necklines  and collars to add width to shoulders and add balance to the lower part of your body.

  • Curved-definite waist shaping with equal proportions on the top and bottom

1 common presentation-Hourglass shape


1)    Wear shirts with ¾ length sleeves or bat wing sleeves (wider at top tampering at the elbow) to camouflage

larger arms.

2)    Tie your shirt at the waist or add a thin to medium belt to flatter your waist and maintain balance.

Remember with a little time, techniques and resources you can have the opportunity to attain a look that is pleasing.  Stop spending good energy on complaining about what you have or lack.  Equip yourself with the intellectual capital you deserve by learning tips to enhance your body by choosing the best colors, clothing designs, fabrics and accessories that fit your own personal style.   Remember, knowledge brings power!!!  The world needs you to step into to your power and be beautiful!!!

Try it on……..See if it Fits!!!!