When was the last time you were attending a networking event or meeting, and someone asked for your business card? After receiving it, they probably shoved it into their pocket without a second glance. What a disappointment! If you are planning to make the investment...
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has created her own “calling card” through her self-help book/memoir, Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead. Reporters, reviewers, and bloggers have been abuzz since it hit the bookstores! Now, as a result a movement of Lean In groups...
Wait! Think before you post! Your personal brand is a powerful tool that increases your chances for success. However, it is based on the perceptions that others have about you and your value. Social media is an excellent way to showcase your leadership and executive...
The moment you walk into the room for that important meeting, job interview, presentation, or networking event, your leadership presence takes center stage. Within five to seven seconds, people are making decisions about you, and 55% of these first impressions are...
Last week, I shared some style savvy tips to help you create and protect your visual brand. The goal is to inspire you to start with the clothes you already have in closet, make a statement, and save. If you are ready for the challenge to brand your style, put...