A new year is always a great time to reset and reload! No matter what type of job you are currently working or choose to pursue, from a visual brand perspective, wearing the right clothing is key to your success. To gain the respect you deserve, your core message...
Recently, I hosted a dinner party at my home. Although I absolutely love cooking, my demanding schedule as a leadership/personal branding coach meant I didn’t have time to whip up a tasty cuisine for my guests. However, with some quick thinking, I ordered take-out...
“A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was.” — Joseph Hall With last year behind you, you’re more than likely exploring areas in your life that can be improved. One area my...
When people see you, they should instantly be able to trust and believe that you are who you say you are. Do you look the part? As a leader, your ability to lead well, personally and professionally, is always “for sale!” Since clothing is one form of communication,...
During my personal branding workshops, I often receive powerful feedback when I encourage a concept coined by the late leadership expert Dr. Stephen Covey: “Live your life with the end in mind.” This concept is especially beneficial when teaching participants about...