”Authentic values are those by which a life can be lived, which can form a people that produces great deeds and thoughts.” – Allan Bloom (“Values” The Closing of the American Mind) It is refreshing to encounter leaders who make great decisions and produce...
Recently, I came across a quote that sums up the feeling that most of us have about midlife: “One of the biggest fears is that you’re past your best or prime. Essentially, you think that the stuff you’ve done in the past is your best work.” Nothing is...
One of my greatest joys as a Leadership & Personal Presence Expert is encouraging other mid-lifers to make the choice to create the best versions of themselves – NOW! This is liberating, because mid-life does not have to be a crisis, even in the midst of the...
There are many reasons to stay hydrated, wear light fabrics and limit time spent in the sun during the summer. Heat exhaustion can wring us out physically and cloud us mentally. We face a similar challenge in our personal and professional lives; the demands of a busy...
As a child, I was painfully shy. I was afraid to speak up and speak out; therefore, communicating with confidence in most social settings was a daunting task. As a result of this fear, oftentimes my presence, lacking of power, went unnoticed. That fear followed me...