Woody Allen once said that 80% of success is about simply showing up. What he forgot to mention, though, was that success means that you show up well. And showing up well – looking your best, sounding your best, and showcasing your best – takes a lot of work. A...
Who says presentation skills don’t matter? The other night, I transformed a simple meal from Trader Joe’s into a pleasing feast. All it took was the application of a few extra spices and herbs to add some sizzle, a bit of precise plating so that it was visually...
Remember the famous line of the queen in Snow White, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” Mirrors do not tend to lie. The queen was happy as long as the mirror retorted, “you are the fairest.” However, when Snow White’s name was mentioned she...
Recently, I hopped into my daughter’s car to run an errand – totally unprepared for what I experienced. Her typically smooth-running car began to shake uncontrollably, pulling to the right, as if to veer off course, therefore making the trip slightly...
Are you unstoppable? To be unstoppable means to preserve, endure and continue to press towards a goal despite the obstacles, challenges and setbacks. In order to lead effectively, every leader must create and maintain an unstoppable leadership presence. This can...